Bible Study

BIBLE STUDY - Saturday - 10am - 1pm

LUNCH HOUR - Daily 12noon - 1pm

Let us spend some time together to explore the Holy Bible and become stronger in our faith in Christ. Knowledge is power. Knowledge of the WORD of GOD leads to eternal life. The Question and Answer Session has proven to be very helpful to many, as we all study together as learners.

Prayer Ministry


PRAYERS - Every Thursday

ON APPOINTMENT - 9am - 4pm

General Prayers - 7pm - 9pm

We come to THE LORD as we are. HE washes us clean and endue us with the benefits of the work HE did on the cross of Calvary. We consequently grow spiritually from grace to grace.



Share Christ Everywhere!

Tell the people you meet about Christ. Do not be ashamed to let them know Christ. It is more blessed to give than to receive. When you receive the WORD and become saved, you have to give the WORD of GOD to complete the cycle. Share the gospel with others so they may get saved like you.


Strict Biblical Counseling

Solutions to life's problems are all found in the scriptures. God has laid out the plan for wholesome living. Are you facing life's troubles and challenges? Is your marriage suffering? Is your financial situation dire? Schedule a counseling session today. Our Counseling resources are backed up by a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, a Master's degree in Social Work, and a Doctor of Divinity in Christology. Book your appointment today on the Contact Page. Thanks.

Small Group Bible Study

We saw in the Acts of the Apostles how the people of God met in small groups, in homes, and different convenient settings. We study in such small groups, and people are getting blessed. You do not want to miss out on the camaraderie arising from a mingling of GOD-minded people. Iron sharpens iron. When we encourage each other in our small groups, we are able to touch more lives in our communities. Call us today and be part of our small group of Bible students.


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"Be ye doers of the WORD and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." Let us be doers.